Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
Your health and safety is very important to us. Based on the updated California Department of Public Health Guidance as of January 2024, and CalOSHA Non-ETS, please follow these new isolation guidance for your case:
- If you are asymptomatic, you are not considered infectious, and therefore do not need
to isolate or be excluded from work. Should you develop symptoms, the guidance below
would need to be followed.
- You are to isolate from symptom onset date while you have a fever and severe symptoms.
You may resume on-site activity after you have not had a fever for a least 24 hours
without the use of fever reducing medicine, and your symptoms are diminishing, and
you are feeling better. You may test on day 5, but it is not required.
- You may test positive on day 5, and continue to test positive for up to 90 days. Please
use item 2 as your guidance for returning to on-site activity.
- After isolation, the District does not require a negative test to return to work.
Please continue to report cases to respective dean and vice president. The vice president
will report to Risk Management. Risk Management will follow up accordingly.