Hermanos Unidos Brothers United (HUBU)
Be a Part of the HUBU Movement and Brotherhood!
HUBU is a movement and brotherhood that embraces AND validates who you are as great men and leaders in your communities.
I Am My Brother's Keeper!
In Lak'ech- Tue eres mi otro yo!
Why Should You Be a Part of HUBU?
HUBU offers support to ensure that you are successful at San Diego City College!
- Assistance with book and Cafeteria (when available)
- Assistance with completing Orientation, Assessment, Financial Aid Application, Career and Education Planning
- Assigned Personal, Career and Academic Counselor
- Assigned Personal Growth Course, Black Studies and/or Chicano Studies Course, English Course, and Math Course
- Cultural fieldtrips
- Community Service Opportunity
- Deeper understanding of challenges and success experienced by other male students of color
- HUBU student club involvement
- Mentoring
- Participation in co-curricular activities
Participation in the annual HUBU Conference
- Peer Mentor support
- Special consideration for admission to San Diego State University
- University field trips
Hermanos Unidos/Brothers United (HUBU) is committed to helping students succeed by informing, motivating, and preparing them for success both academically and personally. The HUBU mission is to increase faculty and student interaction; promote community, cultural, and gender identity development, and encourage peer-to-peer interaction between students.
Follow us on Instagram .
- HUBU Learning Community: The HUBU Learning Community focuses on improving the success rates of African American and Latino male students. HUBU aims to enhance the academic, social and cultural experiences of men of color and other California Community College students. The HUBU curriculum focuses on identity development, and its relevancy in understanding students' personal and academic goals.
- HUBU Mentoring: The HUBU Mentoring program plays a critical role in promoting faculty and student interactions and connecting men of color to positive role models in the community
- Annual Conference: The HUBU conference aims to motivate and inspire students through workshops that address real life issues that affect men of color in higher education.
- HUBU Club: The HUBU club is a student-led organization aimed at unifying and increasing academic achievement of men of color through campus involvement and community service