Professional Development Updates - JAN 2020
Written by: Paula Miranda, Professional Development Coordinator
Posted on: January 27, 2020
Happy new year (Lunar and Gregorian :), everyone! Here are some updates from professional development for January 2020.
In this update:
- Spring 2020 Flex Week - HIGHLIGHTS
- Spring 2020 Flex Deadlines
- Workshop evaluations are now online!
- Name Badges
- Requesting Professional Development Funding
Spring 2020 Flex Week - HIGHLIGHTS
The following are some of the professional learning activities we have scheduled for the week:
MONDAY, January 27 | ||
Chairs Academy | 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM | MS-140 |
TUESDAY, January 28 | ||
PeopleSoft Training | 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM | MS-161 |
Intro to New Library Website/System | 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM | R-209 (LRC) |
WEDNESDAY, January 29 | ||
Mindfulness Meditation Workshop | 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM | MS-163 |
THURSDAY, January 30 | ||
Convocation | 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM | Saville Theater |
Adjunct Night | 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM | MS-140 |
FRIDAY, January 31 | ||
Building Trust for High Performing Teams | 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM | MS-164 |
CCAP Orientation | 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM | MS-221 |
PeopleSoft Training | 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM | MS-161 |
How Can You Better Support Former Foster Youth at City? | 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM | A-101 |
SafeZone (Supporting LGBTQ+ Students and Staff) Training | 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM | MS-163 |
CTE: How to read and apply Core Indicator Reports | 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM | BT-213 |
For a full list of scheduled activities and their descriptions, please visit the PD Events page, which has the calendar and flyers.
Spring 2020 Flex Deadlines
The information below is taken from the District Flex website, under Guidelines. It is also available in the District's 2019-2020 Instructional Improvement ("Flex") Handbook, which is updated every academic year.
All (adjunct + contract) Faculty | |
Deadline to submit Independent Project (IP) Proposals | Monday, April 20, 2020 |
Deadline to complete Flex obligation | 12pm on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 |
Workshop evaluations are now online!
Beginning this semester, evaluations for Flex/professional development activities
will be submitted online.
Formerly, workshop participants or meeting attendees filled out blue-colored half-sheets in person, which were sent back to the professional development office for processing.
Now, you can fill out the form online, which helps us streamline this process of collecting your feedback and analyzing the results as part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that we are providing relevant and engaging professional learning opportunities to our campus community.
There are a couple of ways to access the form:
- Go to this link:
- Use a camera or qr-reader code app on your smartphone to scan the qr code to your left. This code has been provided on a printed sheet to people who organize Flex/professional development activities.
- There is also a notice and link on the main Professional Development homepage
Name Badges
Classified Senate President Awana Payne, Vice President Sean Ryan, and Professional
Development Coordinator Paula Miranda sorting name badges for delivery, January 2020.
As part of our Caring Campus efforts, the Classified Senate and Professional Development office has been working to provide name badges to all employees who would like one.
Last semester, 141 employees signed up for badges, which have since been delivered and are being put to use. Wearing a name badge is not mandatory, but we hope that you will wear them so that students, guests, as well as other employees can identify you as a member of our campus community.
We will do one more large, batch order for name badges in February. If you do not have a badge and would like one, please fill out and submit this form: Caring Campus @ City College: Request a Name Badge
- This is a one-time project to obtain badges for current employees. The standing/normal process, after this project is completed, is for supervisors to purchase badges for their new employees.
- Student ambassadors and other positions with high employee turnover will not be provided a badge, and are encouraged to use self-printed badges.
- While the priority population for this work are Classified Professionals and Supervisors, we welcome any requests for name badges from other contract employees or long-term NANCEs, as resources allow.
If you would like to learn more about the Caring Campus, please visit the webpage: Classified Senate >> Caring Campus
Requesting Professional Development Funding
A limited number of funds are available for employees who are planning to attend a
conference, or are organizing a professional learning activity for City College employees.
Please visit the Funding Request page for more information. There is a link to an application form at the bottom.
Applications are reviewed by members of the Professional Development Advisory Committee once a month. We are working with the AB1725 Committee to align our meetings and processes.
Please plan ahead! Funds are limited, and we cannot guarantee funding for last-minute requests.
For inquiries about this update, or for questions, concerns, or ideas regarding professional learning and development at City College, please contact Paula Miranda.