Financial Aid FAQs
If you are new to financial aid (FA), this page will help you with some frequently asked questions.
Don't see what you are looking for here? Send us an email to - include your college ID number (CSID) and first and last name as the subject line. (Example: CSID 0123456789 - Jane Doe)
Financial Aid Director |
Wendy Wang |
Financial Aid Supervisor, I ( Acting ) |
Student Assistance Technician |
Cecilia Navarro (A,B,C,D) |
Student Assistance Technician |
Albert Silva (E,T,I,M,N,O,J,Y,Z) |
Student Assistance Technician |
Paolo Joseph Arriola (F,G,H,K,R,X) |
Student Assistance Technician |
Mayra Munoz (R2T4) |
Student Assistance Technician |
Sofia Montano (L,P,S,U,V,W,Q) |
Student Assistance Technician |
Trusty Xiong (R2T4) |
Senior Student Services Assistant |
Sylvette Abbott (Cal Grant) |
Senior Student Services Assistant |
Lorie Mendoza |
Student Services Assistant |
Susanna E. Garibay |
Student Services Assistant |
Arlene Oviedo |
Student Services Assistant |
Maria Pittman |
Please email your questions/concerns directly to your assigned FA staff at Disclosure of your FA password and student ID is required. Federal regulations on privacy laws (FERPA) have not been waived and we take seriously that your information is not compromised by making sure that you, the student, is the one receiving your confidential information.
The Department of Education does not have the authority to be lenient regarding compliance requirements related to unit requirements. FA eligibility is verified based on the units you are enrolled in at the FA "Freeze Date", February 19th, 2020 for Spring semester. You must be enrolled half time to remain eligible for FA. Unless the class was a late start class that you did not attend, dropping a class will have no effect on your 2nd Pell disbursement, however, it may affect other types of aid yet to be disbursed. For additional information, please contact your assigned FA Office at Disclosure of your FA password and student ID is required.
Unfortunately, the Department of Education does not have the authority to be lenient
regarding compliance requirements related to withdrawals. If you withdraw (officially
or unofficially- you drop the class on mySDCCD portal - stop attending classes and
receive an "F" grade or Incomplete), the FA Office is required to perform a calculation
called the Return of Title IV to determine how much of the FA you received for the
term that needs to be returned. The later in the term you withdraw, the more of your
FA will be considered "earned" and the impact on your FA will be smaller.
On Friday, March 27, 2020, The President of the United States signed into law the
2020 CARES Act. This act provides administrative relief to students and schools alike.
If a student withdraws from school due to COVID-19, the student will not be responsible
for repaying any federal student aid that the calculation identifies as a student
responsibility. For additional information or questions, please contact our office
at: Disclosure of your FA password and student ID is required.
While colleges remain closed, and under the guidance of the U.S. Department of Education schools can make Federal Work Study payments for hours not worked. For the month of March, students will be paid based on their current weekly assigned hours. Starting with the month of April and while the college remains closed, students will be paid their current monthly Federal Work Study wages based on the hours each student's work schedule and not to exceed the SDCCD maximum of 25 hours per week until your assigned award is depleted. Some students will exhaust their awards sooner than others depending on the number of prior hours work and fund balances. For additional information, please contact Disclosure of your FA password and student ID is required.
A student enrolled in online (Web) classes only, with a legal or mailing address that
is located outside of California, will be unenrolled and dropped; as a result, the
student will not eligible for federal FA. Students that reside in the following U.S.
States or Territories are not permitted to enroll:
AL, AK, AR, MD, MN, MO, ND, SC, UT, DC, WY, AS, GU, MH, MP, and PR
Students enrilled in substatially all online classes will be required to provide proof of identity in person at the Financial Aid (FA) Office in order to clear thir first Grant or Loan disbursement. Students that reside outside of San Diego County may provide proof of identity with an original notarized form and signatures which must be delivered to the FA Office. Failure to provide proof of identity will result in a hold on all FA disbursements.
Cal Grant Scam: There have been reports to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) that students are being contacted by individuals claiming to be from CSAC and asking for money in order to receive or reserve their Cal Grant award.
CSAC will never ask for money or credit card information. Do not provide any information if contacted.
If you have been a victim or target of this scam, please contact the proper authorities such as College Police or the California Attorney General's Office at 800-952-5225.
IRS Scam: IRS impersonators are calling people and demanding a "Federal Student Tax". They use threats to intimidate and bully people into paying a tax bill. They may even threaten to arrest, deport, or revoke the driver's license of their victim if they don't get the money.
For more consumer information on IRS Tax Scams, click HERE.