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Meet The Staff

counseling logo with red letters and a graphic of a building

navy blue background with American flag, fireworks, red, white and blue lettering

Counseling Department Chair:

Georgina Masoni Garcia, M.S.

Other languages spoken:  Spanish

Pronouns:  she/her/hers

Personal Growth Department Assistant Chair:

Steve Schommer, M.S., LMFT

Pronouns:  he/him/his

Department Supervisor:

Josolyn Hill, Ed.D.




Ahmed (Rasheed) Aden, M.S.

HUBU, Personal Growth

Other languages spoken:  Somali

Abdimalik Buul, Ed.D.

*On Leave - Special assignment with the

CCC Chancellor's Office

Elsa Cristina Carrillo, Ed.D

Guided Pathways Co-Coordinator

Personal Growth

Other languages spoken:  Spanish

Pronouns:  she/her/hers/ella

Erin Charlens, Ed.D.

Transfer Center Coordinator/Counselor

Personal Growth

Eddie Franco, M.Ed.

Latinx Student Success Counselor/Coordinator

Other languages spoken: Spanish

Pronouns: he/him/his

Nora Hinsley, M.S.

ICAN Counseling Coordinator

Other languages spoken:  Khmer

Pronouns:  she/her/hers

Marc Hollman, M.A.

Athletics Counselor

Andre Jones, M.A.

City Scholars, Personal Growth

Jose Luis Perez, Ed.D.

Puente, Personal Growth

Crystal Rodriguez, M.S, PPSC

Promise, East Village Middle College High School

Personal Growth

Pronouns:  she/her/hers

Sandy Sada, M.A.

Personal Growth

Other languages spoken:

Arabic, Aramaic (Chaldean)

Andre Sanz, M.A.

Personal Growth

Carlos Sanz Memorial Scholarship               

Pronouns:  he/him/his


Perla Vizcarra, M.A

Other languages spoken:  Spanish            

Pronouns:  she/her/hers

Jacqueline Willet, M.S.


Pronouns:  she/her/hers

Rudy Zamora, M.A.

Personal GrowthHonors


counseling faculty in their regalia at city college graduation

Part-time Faculty:

Shelly Barajas-Leyva, M.A

Promise Program, Personal Growth

Other languages spoken: Spanish

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Ismael Carrillo, M.A.*

Personal Growth, EOPS

Other languages spoken: Spanish

Pronouns: he/him/él

*Ismael is now a full-time Counselor with EOPS; for counseling services please visit him at their offices.

Sandi Duraid, M.A.

General Counseling, Welcome Home CityPersonal Growth

Other languages spoken: Arabic

Pronouns: she/her/hers/هي

Salvador Flor, M.S.

Transfer Center 

Jacqueline Gomez, M.Ed.

General Counseling, Personal Growth

Other languages spoken: Spanish

Pronouns: she/her/hers/ella

Angela Hernandez, M.S.

General Counseling, Personal Growth

Charles (Khahalifa) King, M.A.

Personal Growth

Raquel Peshkepia Veluz, M.S.

General Counseling

Pronouns:  she/her/hers

Arnel Tan, M.A.

General Counseling, Personal Growth, ICAN Learning Community

Pronouns: he/him/his

Saman Yaghmaee, Ed.D.

General Counseling

Other languages spoken:  Farsi 

Derrick Young, M.A.

General Counseling


Classified Professionals:

John Gradilla, M.S.

General Counseling

Pronouns:  he/him/his

Patricia Pugnier

Evaluations & General Counseling 


Nisreen Rofaeel, B.A.

General Counseling

Other languages spoken:  Arabic, Aramaic (Chaldean)