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MyDSPS Portal

Introducing the New MyDSPS Portal!

Starting Summer 2022, City, Mesa, and Miramar Colleges now utilize
MyDSPS Portal, which enables students to manage the accommodation process electronically.

 Log in Now:
MyDSPS Student Portal

Learn more about the features of MyDSPS and how to use them:

MyDSPS Information for Students

If you are new to DSPS Services in the San Diego Community College District, the first step in getting connected is to complete the DSPS Application for Services.

Please have the following items available:

  1. Student ID Number: Students must have completed the SDCCD Application, and received a ten digit student ID number. Individuals without an assigned student ID number will not be able to use the MyDSPS portal. .
  2. Optional- Documentation for upload-Please refer to Verification of Disability (VOD).  for details on what types of documentation qualifies.

Once you are ready to begin, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Register for DSPS Services Page.
  2. Click on the "Register" Button
  3. If not already logged in you will need to enter your mySDCCD Student ID and password to continue.
  4. Fill out the Intake Registration Form
  5. Upload any documentation to be reviewed. Please double check the registration form in case you missed something.
  6. Once you are satisfied the registration form is complete, click Submit.
  7. You will receive a confirmation to the email on file in your SDCCD Portal
  8. A DSPS staff member will be in contact to schedule you a welcome appointment

If you have already met with a City College DSPS Counselor, and have been approved for accommodations, you can use the MyDSPS Portal to request, view, and manage your accommodations.  

Follow these steps:

Step 1

Go to the MyDSPS Portal Main Page

Step 2

From the main screen of the student portal, click on the "Request Accommodation Letter" link.Accommodations Letter icon

Step 3

If not already logged in you will need to enter your mySDCCD Student ID and password to continue.sdccd login page

Step 4

Select the tab titled "Accommodations" on the top left of the screen.CW Accommodations Tab

Step 5

On the Request Accommodations screen, select which semester to view by using the drop down menu.CW Semester Dropdown

Step 6

Click on the "Request" button on the course you wish to request accommodations for.CW request button

Step 7

On the next screen, in the upper left select the accommodations you need for this course.CW Select Accommodations

Step 8

In the upper right, select which courses you are requesting the accommodations.CW Courses to Request

Step 9

In the next box, select if your accommodations are correct the way they are, or whether you need additional or any changes to your accommodations. Important- If you require any changes or additional accommodations, you must use the "Optional Notes" text box to specify any modifications. CW Changes to Accommodations

Step 10

Scroll down to read the terms of using the online request portal, then check "I agree to the terms outlined above" and click "Submit".CW Agree and Submit

That's It!

Your DSPS counselor has now been notified and will review your request. Please allow 5 business days for an approval. Your counselor may contact you to schedule a time to discuss your request if needed.  You may log back into the Student Portal at any time to track the status of your request, and once approved download a student copy of your accommodation letter.